Kayla Dao Seidler

Born: December 15, 2001 at 10:19am PT
7 lbs 13 ozs and 20 in. long

Pictures from Kayla's 1st Year:

Kayla's 2nd Year:

Note: Wherever you start above, it will link you to the next page.
So if you click on "1st week," you can see all of Kayla's pictures one page at a time.

After 2 years old, Kayla's pictures are included on the "Family Pictures" web pages
and combined with Ryan's and her parent's photos.

Click here to see a list of Kayla's closest relatives

Jewish Note:
Kayla was born on Shabbat and the 6th day of Chanukah.
Her Jewish calendar birthday is 30 Kislev 5762.

Click here to see Kayla's Baby Naming

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