Stephen & Anh Family Pictures
This page was last updated: 3/17/05

Kayla leaving hospital - Dec. 2001

The whole Seidler clan - Dec. 2002

Ryan home from the hospital - April 2003

Mother's Day - May 2003

Kayla gets love - Summer 2003

A rare break from the kids - Summer 2003

Summer 2003

Fall 2003

Our happy family at Thanksgiving - 2003

Thanksgiving with Uncle Jason and Gina - 2003

Thanksgiving with Bubbie - 2003

3 great grandparents all came to visit,
but the kids just wanted to watch their videos

Having fun at Kayla's pre-birthday party
with the 2 grandmothers - Dec. 2003

The whole gang (except Ryan who was sleeping) - Dec. 2003

Ryan having fun - Dec. 2003

and Ryan having more fun - Dec. 2003

It's time to baby-proof the house again - Dec. 2003

Shabbat Shalom - Dec. 2003

Some Hanukkah cheer - Dec. 2003

Fun after the rain - Dec. 2003
Christmas Eve 2003 at Anh's parents:

Ryan gets a hug from his great grandmother and
Kayla and Ryan with their grandparents and cousins

Presents, presents and more presents
continue to next page of family pictures