Stephen & Anh Family Pictures
Tokyo, Japan

July 15-31, 2005
This page was last updated: 8/5/05

We're in Japan !!!

We are now in Tokyo.  Kayla and Ryan did really well on the 6 hour flight from Bangkok.  They slept most of the way because they had to get up at 5AM. 

We are currently staying at the Tashiros (Stephen`s host family when he was in college).  Kayla and Ryan love it here.  There are 2 boys that are their ages and they have a lot of toys.

We can`t tell you how nice it is to be in a house with homecooked Japanese meals (yum-yum).

July 16

Shouma 4 years old and Yuma 2 years old
(Kazuyuki and Akiko Tashiro`s boys)

We are off tomorrow at 6am to go with Kazuyuki and his family. The 8 of us will drive about 2 hours to an amusement park for kids.

We are having a ball and after having homemade tempura tonight, sushi the night before and Yakiniku the night before, we are loving it!

July 19

Kazuyuki and Stephen ride the train with the kids

After a very full day, it's time to nap while the parents drive home

Aika - 3 years old (Hiro and Naoko`s little girl)

Tokyo is so clean compared to Vietnam and Thailand.  They have 3 types of trash here.  One for plastic/cans, one for paper, and one for food to go to the landfill. Sometimes it takes me 5 minutes to separate my trash at the park because there are so many trash cans.  And comparing Japan to Thailand and Vietnam, all I can say is they are way behind on their recycling.

The kids definitely don`t get any diarrhea here.  There are so little germs here that it is making me constipated (oops is that too much info for you?).

As you can see from the pictures, Kayla and Ryan are having so much fun with the other kids.  They are getting along great even though they don`t speak the same language.  They are also learning a lot of Japanese. 

We are going to head to Nagoya on Friday to visit Mrs. Tashiro`s sister.  It`s going to take six hours to drive from Tokyo.  We are not even worried about the drive because the kids do so well with traveling.  We will stay with them for a week.  There is a water park near there so that is where we will be heading on most days.

When we get back to the states, we will be ready to do the drive to Disneyland.  Does anyone want to come with us?

Anyway, we miss you and will e-mail you again.

July 28

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